Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing 23

I never dreamed there was so much out there! This program helped foster some confidence-let me tell you!! It was so exciting when things actually worked!

My favorite tool was "Don't Forget the Milk!" I just love the concept of being able to access the grocery list while in town if memory fails. When we were first married my husband went to town without the list. I called the grocery store to tell him what was on it. They paged him but murdered our name so badly that I was sure he wouldn't answer that page. Well, he didn't, but he had presence of mind enough to call home to see if it was actually for him!

We worked together a lot here in the library. If one of us got stuck trying to do something, a consultation took place until we got it figured out.

I will be starting More Things as soon as I am finished with this thing!

Becoming more tech savvy with 23 Things on a Stick!

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