Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thing 14

This Thing is awesome. Wouldn't a staff list on our website be great!! I like the idea of highlighting new books with it on our website too! I had no trouble getting it on my blog either! These were just a few of my recent reads, but the best part...I couldn't remember the correct titles, but LibraryThing found them for me. Obviously, memory is a I can look in LibraryThing to see what I have already read! ...And find others that have read the same book! It automatically updates my blog when I add another title!

We post the New York Times Bestsellers lists for our patrons. One advantage of Library Thing is the book covers...people may forget correct titles, but they usually remember the look of the cover. The disadvantage of course is internet can't just glance at it like you can a print out of the New York Times bestsellers list.
I would love to know what Tim Spalding has in mind for LibraryThing and Millennium!

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